Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Departure of a Stewart~

Last Friday marked the last working day of this small boy boy~~


Name: Jian Ming~!

Age: Cannot drink alcoholic drinks yet!

Weight: Who cares!?

Height: He wears platform shoes nowadays...

Characteristics: Young but not bold! Always want to show off but no guts. Loves to catwalk near to the stage and back to the bar counter~

是你.... 第一眼我就认出来~~~~~~~~~~You will always hear him humming this song every now and then! Maybe you all remember seeing him on TV for Project Superstar 2 too! The one kena criticised by the judge for his 苦瓜脸 while singing haha~ He likes to clap Loud Loud and laugh Loud Loud~! HAHAHA~ His favourite girl is C _ _ R _ _ E(fill in the blanks)~ Woohooo~~~ He is the source of entertainment for most of his colleagues whenever at work or off work! Jianming is leaving Hark Cafe for greener pastures so we can only wish him all the best for his future endeavours. Good luck Jianming! We will miss you! *Puke* More pics of him below~~

Disgusting looks~ EeEeEeEeEEEeee~*

加油 Jianming!!!!

Revealing the Semi Finalists for November!

Semi Final (1) on 29th November 2006

Lee Peng!

Wee Han!

Xing Yu (Gean)!


Jia Qing!

Yawen (Linda)!


Jia Wen!

Hui Li!

Semi Final (2) on 30th November 2006









You all must be wondering why all the pictures are ??? This is to keep you all in suspense~ If you want to see their 庐山真面目, come on down to Hark this Wednesday and Thursday to witness their singing as well!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

On 1st of November 2006...

1/11/06 was a day to remember for both Kok Hua and Christine. Hark Music Cafe had the honour of holding Kok Hua & Christine's ROM on that day. Below are the exclusive pictures taken on that joyous day!

The decorations at the entrance of the cafe~

The decorations inside the cafe. Simple and nice =)

Their exclusive banner! With alot of pictures of the couple during their courtship!

The Solemnization Table.

A view of the table from the seats~ Cutey Cutey Bears!

Everyone please stand to welcome the couple~

The wedding march down the aisle~! *clap clap*

The solemnization begins. Silence pls~*

The exchange of the wedding rings~

You may kiss the Bride! *Muack*

Yesh~ Their Marriage Certificate! Man and Wife =)

Blissful family photo~! Cheers~


Ladies' Night!

Below is the winner of last week's best female singer on Ladies' Night! Her name is Jenny~!

She sang 走路去纽约 to secure the title that night! This will also be her song for the Live 比一比 this thursday!Hmm... Who will be the best female singer tonight???

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hark Cafe Staff Focus! Part 3*

We shall focus on this pretty lady~~~


Name: Rachel~!

Age: She gotten the key!

Weight: Pretty light weight...

Height: Heh, among the shortest of the service crew!

Characteristics: Bubbly and lovely~ Hates to cook!

A very thoughtful girl who loves to hop a little while walking~ *TiGGer DoiNk dOinK* She always carry a smile with her and her favourite red water bottle too! Simply loves to chat chat chat chat and chat as well as correct the cafe manager's chinese words~ And her favourite quote is "Pi Arrrrr" *Smelly*

Another picture of her @ work. *Ignore the Pomelo & the lady on the right~~*

Remember to catch Eddie!

On tv of course! He will featuring tomorrow in 男人帮 2 on Channel U 830pm! Die hard fans of Eddie can record the episode down and give to Eddie as presents ya~ Because he said he could not watch it due to time commitments.... *excuses* Eddie should be featuring in the 都市型男 segment just for your info~ :)

If you can't catch it at 830pm, there's a repeat telecast @ 1230am ya :)

Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie !!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

A symbol of Love =)

Last last sunday (ok ok it's been delayed that long i'm sorry !!!), Patrick came into Hark Cafe around 8pm seeking for help! *Ya its that guy who sang that song "Sorry" to that girl during that long long ago post~~~* Now he wanted to celebrate that girl's birthday right at the stroke of midnight! Then again... by that time there will no more customers left because we would have been closed for the night! So the nice nice nice very nice Cafe Manager Youwei *ahem* proposed something for Patrick... See picture below....

Along with the enthusiatic help from Patrick *gan jiong*, tealight candles and some other decorations were used to form this HeArT ShApE for the girl! And yes~ She's called FiOnA~! Fortunate lady =)

Over the top view without using flash~ Awww~~~So Sweet la!

A side view of it~! There was a constant struggle to keep all and the candles lighted because the air con kept blowing it out *huff huff* So the air con was shut up *zipped* and the candles are lit once again! HOORAY~!* Now we wait for the main female character to come....

Patrick looking happy~~
Patrick looking still happy~~
Patrick looking at his watch~~
Patrick looking at his watch again~~
Patrick went for a smoke~~~
Patrick came back in and sat down again~~
Patrick's face is anxious~~
Where is Fiona???

There she is~! Dressed in white looking like an Angel. She looked radiant eh! :D

She was delighted to see the heart shape~ Almost touched to tears *sob sob*

To end it all up...Patrick sang a song
爱,很简单 dedicated specially to Fiona~ Love is that simple eh. You love me, I love you, We are happy family~~ *Lalalala* Patrick even prepared a bouquet of roses for Fiona~! *Burned your pocket right Patrick?? hehe* Then afterwards, everyone present at the cafe that night cheered Patrick on~! "Kiss her! Kiss her! Muack Muack Muack~!"
And there goes Patrick in one swift motion~~~~~~~~~~~~

Action in progress! See the blurred image...Patrick's speed is fast!

Yes~! *Muackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk* Look at how shy Fiona is~ *blushed* Who said the Man Don't Get it haha~

Okie mission accomplished~! Happy Belated Birthday Fiona~! :D

Friday, November 10, 2006

Eddie on TV!

Ed Tv!

Eddie, one of Hark's Music Instructors, will soon be featured in Channel U's 男人帮 2 aka Man O Man 2 soon!

Last friday, we saw Eddie along with the hosts of this variety show 王建復 and 伍洛毅, filming @ Hark Cafe! And below are a few pictures taken of them together!

Taken with flash! eh like all of the same height~

Without flash~~~*

Amos got into the picture too! Maybe can feature Amos too!男人帮 3 next season!

We also don't know when will Eddie come out in which episode of this show~ *Anticipation* Thus letting you know the show times for this show to save you the trouble of flipping through your U Weekly frantically!

From Nov 6, every Mon 8.30pm and repeat telecast at 12.30am on Channel u!

Give that Man a Tiger~!

Eh....Wait. Hark Cafe don't have Tiger beer....


Give Eddie a Asahi~! Way to go!