Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Departure of a Stewart~

Last Friday marked the last working day of this small boy boy~~


Name: Jian Ming~!

Age: Cannot drink alcoholic drinks yet!

Weight: Who cares!?

Height: He wears platform shoes nowadays...

Characteristics: Young but not bold! Always want to show off but no guts. Loves to catwalk near to the stage and back to the bar counter~

是你.... 第一眼我就认出来~~~~~~~~~~You will always hear him humming this song every now and then! Maybe you all remember seeing him on TV for Project Superstar 2 too! The one kena criticised by the judge for his 苦瓜脸 while singing haha~ He likes to clap Loud Loud and laugh Loud Loud~! HAHAHA~ His favourite girl is C _ _ R _ _ E(fill in the blanks)~ Woohooo~~~ He is the source of entertainment for most of his colleagues whenever at work or off work! Jianming is leaving Hark Cafe for greener pastures so we can only wish him all the best for his future endeavours. Good luck Jianming! We will miss you! *Puke* More pics of him below~~

Disgusting looks~ EeEeEeEeEEEeee~*

加油 Jianming!!!!