Thursday, April 05, 2007

Renovation Fourth Day: What to do without Hark this weekend?

Today is the Fourth Day.....we are getting tired already....
Everyday wake up early, sleep late.....getting lethargic already........but........hey.........tomorrow is GOOD FRIDAY!! Yeah! Hope to get more rest!

You guys must be having a great mood today, right? Hey, another long weekend leh.... Must get enough rest wo...

For those who already grew accustomed to coming to Hark every Friday & Saturday, this will be the first weekend without us. Hmmmm......It's ok...we know you can sure find other great stuffs to do!

Maybe you can:

One..... Meet up with your Hark Kakis and have a evening outing.....gossiping, talking, laughing, chatting and imagining the new look of Hark!

Two..... Play a game with your Hark Kakis and imagine the new look of Hark...See who's got the closest visualisation.. Answers and Result will be revealed in May. Prizes = everyone bid an item, winner takes all.

5 questions to answer:
External Wall Colour;
Reception Counter Colour;
Wall covering colour at reception;
Carpet Colour;
Performers for the first opening Show!

Three..... Go sing Karaoke, and maybe one of you can impersonate Vynson aka Zhaoyu aka Au Hoe, and if you think that's easy, you can take a try at impersonating Amos aka Anwen.

Four..... Polish up your singing and performing skills. Get yourself prepared for our Live Shows at our Performing Studio. If you know to play guitar or piano, this is the time to practice. Show us your talents!

Five..... Read this Blog all over again from the very first post... Since the birth of this blog, altogether, there are 4 writers...Once, our master pianist, Yuhong (mostly performing on SAT shows and Live! 比一比GrandFinals), did this role for a few a guest writer! Go and dig that article out!

Six..... Stay home on Saturday night and catch 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 at 12am. Pick up some talking skills from Jacky Wu, and get prepared to 'fight' back Amos' sword-bearing hosting with your newly picked up skills.. See if you can 'suan' him back....(*Weicai still struggling till now...maybe he realli cant fight Amos back..哈哈哈!)

OkOk...enough ideas already....I can't think anymore now..if you guys have good ideas to share, post it at our shoutout!

Here's some updates from the renovation..Electrical works are all done now. Partitions will be up today. We are packing the performing stage today...This is a very tiring task as all the equipments are really heavy.

If you are wondering what are the partitions for.....let you know something very interesting...we are building a Recording Studio/Room! will see the BIG Picture!

Partitioning....The frames are up!

We are tidying up the performing stage, protecting precious equipments from the dust and noise (!) from renovations...

Our Stage Signage is still around.....Take a last few look....