Live 比一比 – November Finals!!
Presenting to you the star studded line up for November Finals!
深情宽宽的Terence~ *绝口不提!爱你*
活泼可爱的Gean~ *我等你*
搞政治的Jia Wen~ *请投我一票* haha~ *一千年以后*
成熟的Li Ping~ *原来你什么都不要*
年青俊俏的Ryan~ *末日之恋*
气魄十足的Yawen~ *心动*
非常俏皮的Jenny~ *爱你不是两三天*
笑口常开的Raymond~ *我真的以为*
典雅高贵的Fiona~ *遗失的美好*
邻家男孩的VK~ *听海*
超级可爱的Baby~! *Kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ So cute*
During the second segment of the Finals, Amos demostrated to the crowd and contestants on how to belt out the songs in different kinds of music. *TECHNO* ~ *HIP HOP*~ *DANCE*~!!! His demo performance totally rocked the crowd on~! *ENCORE ENCORE*~! 姜还是老的辣!
Some candid shots coming up~!
*Hmph~ i can sing better~ Hmph~*
*Woo woo woo~ we are on tv! Quick smile~!*
*Judging from Ryan's grin, he must have saw a 美女!*
*Terence must have saw the 美女 too ! Look at his pose!~*
After two exciting rounds of singing, here are the winners for that night~!
Best Star Appeal~! *Ryan*
Best Vocal~! *Li Ping*
Down to these 3 people on stage for the top 3 prizes.... *Don't dare look ><" *
2nd Runner up~! *Li Ping* 双料得主*
1st Runner up~! *Jia Wen*
November Champion~! *Fiona~~!~!~!*
Intriguing finals yet again~! Congratulations to all the winners and a word of encouragement to the rest~ *你们很棒!!!*
The last picture is always the best~! 大合照!嘿咻!Cheers~!