Friday, June 09, 2006

Let's Challenge June 2nd Qualifying Round

In tonight’s qualifying round, we have a challenge between 7 star-wannabes… and each brought out their best to woo the judges and the audience to vote for them to qualify for the semi finals… and the 3 of them who are voted in are:

Patrick Chua – 男人不该让女人流泪

Stanley Wong – 不如这样

Charlotte Loh – The Moment

Last month’s champion, Jason was also present tonight to support his friend who was a contestant this month…. But the audience just couldn’t let him get away without bringing us any songs, right? So, though he was down with flu and cough, he humbly obliged to sing 被爱的女人. Due to his condition, he had to sing in a lower key (compared to the time he sang it in the finals), but still managed to complete the song… great spirit Jason! Way to go!!

Hang on a moment, did we just mention that only 3 of them qualified for the semi finals? What about the 4th, you might be asking….. well, remember the nomination list from the previous week? Yap, the judges felt that the last place should be given to one of them instead!!Congratulations to Angela!!