Thursday, June 01, 2006

May Grand Finals!

Sunday was the grand finals of our ‘Let’s Challenge’ competition for May 2006. Having went through both the preliminary and semi-final stages of the competition, each of the 6 finalists were already stars in their own right. Thus, to test their true mastery of the art of performing, we decided to spring a little surprise on them!

Each of the 6 finalists was informed at the very last minute that they would have to sing a song of the opposite gender for Round 2. Our criteria were strict too: if any of the songs had been sung by a singer of their own gender, then our judges would not accept the song! This meant that popular cross-gender choices such as “祝我生日快乐”, “倒带” and “勇气” could not be used.

As it turned out, contestants faced numerous rejections of songs by our panel before finally settling down on their individual choices for Round 2 barely an hour before the competition itself.

Maybe the strong crowd and sudden change played into the contestants’ minds, resulting in none of them performing well in Round 1. They sang songs which they already prepared well in advance, but as no one really stood out, the judges were left in a dilemma. Our live musicians were visibly disappointed too, and the overall mood was low.

Luckily, every contestant performed much better in Round 2! Faced with negative comments they received in the previous round, all of them took the challenge and delivered a much better performance in this impromptu round. Maybe our contestants all have hidden talents in singing opposite gender songs on the spot! The audience were delighted and so were the judges, and everybody could feel the joyous mood returning again.

Here were the songs our contestants sang for Round 1 and Round 2 respectively:

1. Angie: Fly Away, 一场游戏一场梦

2. Clarence: 远走高飞, 我不难过

3. Tobias: 找自己, 超快感

4. Jason: 凌晨三点钟, 被爱的女人

5. Adrian: 如果你还爱我, 遗失的美好

6. Jianming: 普通朋友, 你要得爱

Stanley originally made it to our grand finals; unfortunately his last-minute work commitments meant he could not grace the event. Thus Jianming, the highest scorer in our semi-finals outside of the top 6, got his chance to rejoin the competition as a finalist. And he certainly did not disappoint, especially with his Round 2 performance which drew some of the loudest cheers of the night!

Here are the results:

Champions: Jason Sim

1st Runner: Adrian Neo

2nd Runner: She Jianming

Best Vocal Tone: Tobias Low

Best Hosting: Angie Lek

Best Star Appeal: Clarence Lau

<- Winners podium!!
We would like to thank everybody who has made this show a continuous success! See you next month!