Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Starry starry night……

We were looking at the notice board in the café (wonder where it is? Try going through the door beside the stage……) and saw lots of praises on our friendly service crews. They were elated to receive such feedbacks…… and all of them said such comments from the floor would definitely bring their morale and service standards to a higher level.

That goes for one of our 3-day old crew member, Jimmy too. He says, “This is a relaxing place where I can enjoy great music while I work…… customers are so friendly, and it helps to heighten my service level and keeps me smiling all night long.” He also added, “I enjoy singing, and I hope to be able to sing on stage for the audience one day……”.
Hey Jimmy, the 5 mnutes of stardom is yours to take!!

Did we just say stars? Speaking of which, Sly (Sylvester Sim) was here tonight!! Everyone were simply frenzied by his appearance in Hark!! (Being able to see “stars” is also one of the perks working in Hark Music Café!!) Cool guy!!
He did not sing though… was here just to relax and enjoy his drinks.

Hmm…… Wonder which other stars will be here the next time?Maybe we should have a “hall of fame” to picture down celebraties who patronizes Hark Music, yeah?