Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Well Done Ladies!

So our call for ladies to show your prowess (08 Mar 06 entry) was answered tonight!
Lots of tables were filled up with girl power and they sang pretty well too……

One of them was Mandy (last month’s Let’s Challenge 1st runner up), who was here with last week’s winners. She sang 奔 and 路 and was her voice powerful or what? She simply blew everyone off their feet. Even Amos’s guitar went bonkers when she was performing (just a joke, it was a coincidence)!

Douglas (one of the few men around tonight) also brought everyone a number (你最珍贵) with our host for the night, Brenda. Though it was their first time “duetting”, I must say they hit it off quite well…… in the singing I mean :P
Keep it up ladies!