Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thank you..Thank you...Our Website got over 10,000 hits per day!


After just 2 weeks launch of our Hark Video Channel, where you can catch Hark Live Shows Online…our website has gathered more than 10,000 hits per day!!! YiPPeE!

That’s good news! Must be you people who have been supporting us all along…We thank you and hope you enjoyed the videos as much as we do… These few days we have uploaded another batch of new videos…Check them out at our ‘New, Freshest Videos’ Page!

Here are some quick links to new uploaded videos:
<Friends so "on" for my birthday>
<Dec06 Weekly Singer Jason @ Hark Music Cafe>
and more......~~~~~

Hey guys,gals..if you like the videos, help to spread this around to your friends, colleagues, family, whoever….

If you got a youTube Account, c’mon and subscribe to our channel and be our friend!