Friday, October 06, 2006


On the night of the September Finals, it marked the last working day of one outstanding Hark Service Crew... He is none than....

Suave Kenn!

Kenn first joined as a student at Hark Music School before he seized the opportunity to come work at Hark Cafe. A hardworking person by nature with a witty side of him unknown by others. His favourite task at the cafe is to distribute peanuts thus the nickname "Peanut Boy!" More pics of him below~!

Kenn with our Bartender Alvin~

Kenn with our Hark Music School Supervisor~ (notice their specs, both took off to pose for pics, HIAO ar :p )

Sleepy Kenn~ -_-

He is leaving to serve the nation~ *Sobz* On behalf of all the Hark colleagues and regular customers who know kenn...We thank you for your working stint with Hark, we will miss you for sure! We are missing you already~!

那一天知道你要走 我們一句話也沒有說
當午夜的鐘聲敲痛離別的心門 卻打不開我深深的沈默
那一天送你送到最後 我們一句話也沒有留
當擁擠的月台擠痛送別的人們 卻擠不掉我深深的離愁
我知道你有千言你有萬語 卻不肯說出口
你知道我好擔心我好難過 卻不敢說出口
當你背上行囊 卸下那份榮耀 我只能讓眼淚留在心底
面帶著微微笑 用力的揮揮手 祝你一路順風
當你踏上月台 從此一個人走 我只能深深的祝福你
深深的祝福你 最親愛的朋友 祝你一路順風